Cannabis Image Solutions


ChanceFoto brings passion and precision to Cannabis photography. The focus of in-studio shooting at ChanceFoto is to show off the quality of your product by using high-end studio lighting and extensive post-processing techniques. These images will raise the price of your pound in the same way that Apple, Nike, and countless other multi-billion dollar corporations use images to raise and maintain the value of their products.

ChanceFoto provides images for websites, eCommerce catalogues, social media profiles, and printed media. In a market flooded with a huge variety of cannabis products, it is crucial to provide consumers with a specific idea of the quality they are receiving from the producer. ChanceFoto uses images as a way to let your customers know that they can rely on your brand for the quality they desire.

Humboldt County has a unique opportunity to capitalize on the legal cannabis market, but there are many challenges that have been posed to do this. Besides politics and market competition, the real challenge for Humboldt County growers is distance. Images have the ability to transcend distance, and ChanceFoto wants to work with you to share the bounty of Humboldt County with the entirety of the cannabis community.
